• 056 9965881
  • Al Teneiji Building,Office Muweilah Commercial,Sharjah

Dr. Zeenath Mol

GP Dentist

Dr Zeenath Mol (Female Dentist In Sharjah)

Looking for a female dentist in sharjah? Check out Dr. Zeenath Mol, our skilled general female dentist with extensive experience in both India and the UAE! She graduated from Kerala University of Health Sciences in 2015 and has a passion for rotary endodontics and pediatric dentistry. Dr. Zeenath Mol is fluent in English, Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, and Tamil. Our clinic offers a variety of services, including dental consultations and follow-ups, single or multiple visit rotary root canal treatments for adults and children, teeth cleaning and polishing, cosmetic teeth fillings, extractions, teeth whitening, crowns and bridges, veneers and Hollywood smile, dental jewelry, teeth sensitivity treatment, and pain management. Trust Dr. Zeenath Mol to take care of your dental needs!

Dental consultations and Followups

Single or multiple visit rotary root canal treatments

Teeth cleaning and polishing

Cosmetic teeth fillings


Teeth whitening

Crowns and bridges

Dental jewellery

Teeth sensitivity treatment

Languages: English,Arabic,Hindi,Malayalam and Tamil.

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